Tuesday, November 30, 2010

When you have no toys or friends:)

Mary and Simon have become close on our trip!! Well they have had to be, with no kids to play with and only a few toys:) I love watching their imaginations at work:) Sometimes with a little help from Kevin..
Mary singing Oh Canada while Simon playing baseball with a coconut!

Super Hero's out of fruit wrappers:)

Shell and hermit crab hunting!

One of their many Star Wars ships!!

Masks made out of fruit:)

Hope you liked mom!!
Love YOU


  1. It is so nice to wake up and tune into your blog and burst out laughing . When you have no toys or friends is priceless especialy the friut masks.Do you think they will appreciate friends toys and home when they return? I love it !!!KIsses Mom

  2. Love the fruit wrappers. Those kids are going to be dark, dark, dark when they come home. The Star Wars ship is priceless!

  3. Very inventive!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!! MISS YOU GUYS!!
    The girls send (((HUGS))) to Simon and Mary!!!
